AG Land & Livestock (AGLL) in conjunction with Colliers Agribusiness are pleased to present Douglas South, located within the highly regarded Douglas Daly region of the Northern Territory’s Top End. The Douglas South pastoral lease spans *555.7 km2 or *55,570 hectares, is fully fenced with double sealed frontage providing wet season livestock market access. The property boasts an extensive range of soils suited to agricultural and pasture development and benefits from an average annual wet season rainfall of *1200mm. Douglas South is subdivided into 8 main paddocks (plus laneway) to the all steel livestock yards, with livestock watered by a series of bores, natural springs and waterholes. Additionally, the pristine Douglas River traverses the eastern section of Douglas South. The property overlays aquifers Jinduckin and Tindal, predicted to supply yields of up to 50lps (source NT Government Daly Basin Aquifers).
The Douglas Daly region has established an enviable reputation featuring quality agricultural soils coupled with reliable annual rainfall all within *2 hours of Darwin and is quickly becoming the focal point for dry land and irrigated cotton cropping. Successful horticulture and agriculture cropping within the region has included melon crops, improved pastures for livestock backgrounding and hay production. The region is establishing itself as the premier location for the Northern Territory’s cotton hub. Further enhancing the region’s appeal is the local primary school, NT government research farm and the now established community recreation site which offers various sporting facilities, a children’s playground, is a licenced venue and hosts the annual camp draft event. The offering of Douglas South presents an opportunity to secure a property of scale inclusive of areas suited to development as evidenced by the neighbouring established properties. With a great foundation and, subject to NT government regulations, the opportunity is presented to take Douglas South to the next stage of development. Douglas South is offered bare of livestock via expressions of interest (EOI). The EOI is to be lodged with the selling agents by close of business Thursday 26 May. To arrange an inspection or for further information contact marketing agents Andrew Gray of AGLL on 0438 960 047 or Rawdon Briggs of Colliers Agribusiness on 0428 651 144.