Andrew Gray Land and Livestock

Properties for Sale

Woolner Station

Andrew Gray Land & Livestock is pleased to present “Woolner Station”, an exceptional grazing and agricultural property located east of Darwin city capital of the Northern Territory and live cattle export port hub.  

Spanning 64,700 hectares, Woolner is acclaimed for the range of spectacular natural features and widely recognised as the best-in-class coastal floodplain property. Featuring extensive flora and fauna species. 

Woolner is benefited by * 48,000 hectares of fertile black soils receiving favourable annual flooding in turn providing excellent livestock grazing. The presentation of Woolner provides a rarely offered occasion to acquire an exceptional asset with significant upside opportunity, varied income streams and within proximity to the capital city of Darwin. Woolner is offered bare of livestock plant and equipment. 


Key investment features include:

  • Superior cattle grazing
  • Strong financial performance
  • Striking natural features and extensive wildlife species
  • 18 kilometres of pristine coastline
  • A renowned and well improved property with proven production history.
  • Backgrounding up to 15,000 cattle April to December.
  • Overlying fertile soil types receiving annual rainfall of *1,700 mm
  • Extensive areas identified as suited to future agricultural development.